In the event that you and your spouse decide to separate with children involved, then the courts will determine the parenting time allowed to each person. If there are no issues regarding illegal activities on the part of one parent, Illinois courts will provide both parents the right to see their children. How this time is allocated can be complex, which is why so many parents inquire about how courts decide the parenting time allowed and how they can improve their standing with the courts.
Agreement of parenting time
During a child custody hearing, you may work with your ex-spouse to determine the best course of action to take. In fact, this is a common occurrence within most divorces. It should be noted that even if you both agree on the amount of parenting time each person has, the courts must still approve of this agreement.
Disputes on parenting time
If the two people involved cannot come to an agreement, then the judge must take into consideration a number of factors for allocating parenting time. The very first thing involves the opinion of the child. If the child is deemed mature enough, they can offer their opinion on who they want to spend the most time with. Other factors that will be taken into consideration include the parent’s mental state, financial status and dedication, to name a few. Even if these do not fall in your favor, you may present to the court’s evidence that the other parent is not deemed responsible enough to have more parenting time with the child.
The process of allocating time for each parent can be a long and frustrating process to go through alone. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek the advice and services of an attorney. This action may provide you with a better end result.